Dr Markus T. Bagh, LL.M.

Specialist lawyer for intellectual property law, specialist lawyer for copyright and media law

about the person

Markus Bagh studied law in Bochum and Münster. As part of his Master’s degree in Law & Information Technology at the University of Stockholm, he specialised in intellectual property, copyright and media law. He worked at the Chair of Civil Law with Copyright, Intellectual Property, New Media and Business Law at the University of Cologne, where he completed his doctorate on a copyright-related topic on network-based on-demand systems in a legal comparison between Germany and Sweden.


Markus Bagh was admitted to the bar in 2007 and has been a specialist lawyer for intellectual property law since 2011 and a specialist lawyer for copyright and media law since 2012. Before joining LLR’s Cologne office in 2015, he worked at the law and patent law firm Prinz & Partner in Munich. He is a partner in the firm and a lecturer at the University of Cologne and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW).


Markus Bagh provides comprehensive advice in all areas of intellectual property. He specialises in developing protection strategies and conducting infringement proceedings, particularly in trademark, design and competition law. He also works with a network of international lawyers to implement measures to combat product piracy worldwide, including the management of border seizure proceedings and the organisation of trade fairs. In the area of copyright and media law, he specialises in e-commerce, e-advertising and reputation protection.


When he is not working, Markus Bagh can be found spending time with family and friends or travelling for sport – the latter preferably on a racing bike on Mallorcan country roads or on skis in the Alps.


mentions & awards

“good team player, competent trade mark lawyer”, competitor – JUVE 2018/2019

“very competent, practical and success-orientated”, client – JUVE 2020/2021

“fast, extremely competent, very well connected”, client – JUVE 2021/2022

“very clever mind, always the right solution for the client”, competitor – JUVE 2021/2022

“professionally brilliant, strategically top; all-purpose weapon in product piracy”, competitor – JUVE 2023/2024

2020 – IP/IT & Medien

Mitautor in Vohwinkel, Designrecht, Beck’scher Online-Kommentar (BeckOK Designrecht)

2017 – IP/IT & Medien – Buchbeitrag

Überarbeitung Kapitel 22 „Grundlagen des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs, Internetrecht“ Schwartmann, Praxishandbuch Medien-, IT- und Urheberrecht, 4. Aufl., 2017

2013 – IP/IT & Medien – Fachinterview

3D-Druck für alle

2013 – IP/IT & Medien – Aufsatz

Gefahren bei falscher CE-Kennzeichnung CCI-Dialog

2012 – IP/IT & Medien – Aufsatz

Anmerkung zum Urteil des Landgerichts Düsseldorf vom 21. März 2012 – 12 O 579/10 GRUR-Prax 16/2012

2011 – IP/IT & Medien – Aufsatz

Anmerkung zum Urteil des Landgerichts Köln vom 22. Juni 2011 – 28 O 819/10 GRUR-Prax 14/2011

2011 – IP/IT & Medien – Aufsatz

Urhebergesetzlicher Auskunftsanspruch auch bei mittelbar kausalem Verletzergewinn, Anmerkung zu BGH, Az. I ZR 130/08 und BGH I ZR 122/08 als Prozessbevollmächtigter des Klägers I. und II. Instanz MMR 1/2011

2007 – IP/IT & Medien – Monographie

On-demand Anwendungen in Forschung und Lehre – Die öffentliche Zugänglichmachung für Unterricht und Forschung im Rechtsvergleich zwischen Schweden und Deutschland