Elina Kohl

Lawyer specialising in public procurement law & real estate law


Elina Kohl studied law at the University of Cologne. She specialised in public law, in particular European law. In 2017, Elina Kohl successfully passed her first state examination in law. She then worked as a research assistant at the Cologne office of a large, internationally active commercial law firm in the field of public procurement and property law.


Elina Kohl completed her legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Cologne. Her administrative traineeship at the Federal Foreign Office took her to the German Embassy in Sofia. She has already spent her legal traineeship at LLR. During this time, she was able to deepen her knowledge, particularly in the field of public procurement law, by assisting in Europe-wide public procurement procedures for local authorities for the procurement of planning and construction services in the field of school construction.


After successfully completing her second state examination in law, Elina Kohl started working as a lawyer at LLR in 2020 in the areas of public procurement law and real estate law.

In public procurement law, Elina Kohl advises both public clients and bidders on all procurement-specific matters. In real estate law, Elina Kohl advises all parties involved in real estate and construction on the development, realisation and use of real estate projects.


When Elina Kohl is not working, she enjoys travelling, spending time with family and friends, playing sports or reading.


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