Vanessa Morozov

Lawyer specialising in intellectual property law


Vanessa Morozov studied law at the University of Münster, specialising in commercial law. After successfully completing her first state examination in 2019, she spent her legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Münster. During this time, she worked at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin and an internationally orientated commercial law firm in the Ruhr region. She spent her elective traineeship at LLR and gained extensive experience in the field of intellectual property law.


After successfully completing her second state examination in law, Vanessa Morozov joined LLR’s Cologne office in autumn 2022.


 She provides comprehensive advice in all areas of intellectual property law as well as press and copyright law. One focus is on the extrajudicial and judicial enforcement of intellectual property rights, in particular in trademark, design and competition law.


When Vanessa Morozov is not working, she spends time with friends and family or travelling to faraway countries.


Frühestmöglicher Zeitpunkt eines Widerspruchs (Anm. zu BPatG v. 8.2.2023 – 29 W (pat) 30/22)

Zur Bestimmung des konkreten urheberrechtlichen Schutzbereichs (Anm. zu BGH v. 15.12.2022 – I ZR 173/21)

Unterscheidungskraft einer Marke für Software (“EFFLUX“) (Anm. zu BPatG v. 21.7.2022 – 25 W (pat) 51/21)