Dr Andreas Langen

Lawyer specialising in corporate law


Andreas Langen studied law at the Universities of Trier and Cologne. During and after his studies and during his legal preparatory service, he worked at the Chair of Civil Law, Commercial and Corporate Law, Labour Law and European Private Law Development at the University of Cologne under Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Barbara Dauner-Lieb as a research assistant. In 2022, he received his doctorate from her on the subject of ‘Share Ownership Guidelines’.

Andreas Langen spent his legal preparatory service at the Regional Court of Cologne. During this time, he worked for a commercial law firm in Cologne and an international commercial law firm in New York City, among others. This gave him extensive experience in the areas of national and international commercial, corporate and capital market law.

After successfully completing his second state examination in law, he joined LLR’s Cologne office in autumn 2024.

Andreas Langen advises medium-sized as well as large and capital market-oriented companies comprehensively on commercial and corporate law. 

When Andreas Langen is not working, he spends time with family and friends, enjoys running and rowing or reading a good book.


2025 -Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht – Aufsatz

Share Ownership Guidelines für Vorstände – ein Leitfaden
Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht 2025, S. 147 ff.

2023 -Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht – Monographie

Share Ownership Guidelines – Leitlinien der Gestaltungsfreiheit für die Aktienerwerbs- und Haltepflichten von Organmitgliedern börsennotierter Aktiengesellschaften, Baden-Baden, 2023