Per Kristian Stöcker studied law at the Universities of Marburg, Bonn and Cologne. During his studies and legal clerkship, he worked as an editor for a legal publishing house in Bonn, where he completed a traineeship in product management. He then worked as a research assistant in the patent department of an international logistics group and in a law firm specialising in IT law and intellectual property law in Cologne.
Per Kristian Stöcker has been admitted to the bar since 2015 and is TÜV-certified as an external data protection officer. Since 2018, he has also been certified as a Data Protection Officer at the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity at Maastricht University. He is also a lecturer in data protection and data security at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) in Heilbronn. Before joining LLR’s Cologne office in 2020, he worked for several years as a lawyer and external data protection officer in commercial law firms specialising in data protection and IT law in Cologne and Frankfurt.
Per Kristian Stöcker provides cross-industry advice at the interface of law and technology – particularly in matters of data protection law, IT law and collective labour law. He also supports his clients in IT projects, audits and certification projects – ISO standards or TISAX – as well as in crisis management following data breaches and attacks on IT infrastructure. In addition to providing legal advice and representation, he also acts as an external data protection officer for individual companies and corporate groups and is managing director of LLR Data Security and Consulting GmbH.
Per Kristian Stöcker also regularly lectures for various organisations on topics such as whistleblowing, regulation of artificial intelligence and trade secret protection.
When Per Kristian Stöcker is not working, he spends time with his family, roaming through the woods with his dog or on his mountain bike, or meeting old and new friends.
2020 – IP/IT & Medien –
Der Europäische Gerichtshof (EuGH) hat am 16.7.2020 in seinem Urteil (Az.: C-311/18) den Beschluss über das EU-US-Privacy Shield, eine der wichtigsten Rechtsgrundlagen für den Transfer personenbezogener Daten europäischer Bürger in die USA, für ungültig erklärt. Die Richter begründen diese Entscheidung damit, dass bei der Übermittlung personenbezogenen Daten in die USA nach EU-Recht kein angemessenes Datenschutzniveau gewährleistet werden könne. So haben insbesondere amerikanische Behörden weitreichende Befugnisse, um auf die übermittelten personenbezogenen Daten zuzugreifen, ohne dass Betroffene dagegen vorgehen könnten.
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